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Your questions and our answers on the LabPad® INR system

I perform my INR measurement without outside aid

Is it important to wait for the “Drop blood” icon to appear on the screen before applying the blood drop onto the microcuvette?

Yes. You have 2 minutes to apply the blood drop onto the microcuvette. This period of time is more than enough to prick your finger, obtain a blood drop of a sufficient volume and apply the blood drop without hurry. When this icon is displayed, it means that the temperature of the microcuvette is correct (37°C) and that your device is ready to perform the test.

Can I press my finger on the microcuvette plate to ease the filling?

No, you may block the micro channel. Applying the blood drop must be completed in one go, gently and carefully, by approaching your finger towards the plate. The central micro channel is designed to suck the blood in as soon as the drop touches the center of the plate.

Why should I apply my blood drop in one go?

If you do not apply your blood drop in one go, the device may not detect properly the blood coagulation. An error message will then be displayed on the screen. You will then have to repeat the test with a new microcuvette.

What should I do if I find an abnormal result?

Discard the used microcuvette and use a new microcuvette. Prick another finger and repeat the test. If the result is still abnormal, consult your physician.

Can I measure my INR value with the LabPad® INR when I come out of hospital being under heparinized treatment?

No. No measurement will be possible before restabilising with VKA treatment.

How can I be assured that the device will not switch-off during measurement?

The LabPad® INR cannot switch-off during a measurement. If the battery charge becomes too low, or if the device memory is full or else if the battery is empty, the LabPad® INR displays an icon or an error message at the beginning of the measurement. You cannot perform the measurement then.
I know my Tsmart® INR microcuvette

Why should I use the microcuvette at the latest within 10 minutes after opening the pouch?

It is recommended to use the microcuvette as early as possible after opening the pouch. The microcuvette contains a lyophilized reagent sensitive to ambient humidity. Once the microcuvette is out of its pouch, the lyophilized reagent absorbs humidity and loses its properties in several minutes. The microcuvette is then unusable.

Where can I find the expiry date of the microcuvette?

The expiry date is on the individual pouch in which the microcuvette is packed, as well as on the boxes of 12, 24, or 48 units. The LabPad® INR reads the expiry date coded in the Datamatrix when a microcuvette is inserted.

Does the Tsmart® INR microcuvette only measure the coagulation time (INR value)?

The Tsmart® INR microcuvette is only suitable for measuring the coagulation time (INR value). Additional Tsmart® microcuvettes are currently being designed for new tests.
I travel with my LabPad® INR

Why cannot I perform my INR test in the train?

Because trains are subject to vibrations. In order to perform an INR test in optimum conditions, the device must be placed on a stable, flat and vibration-free surface.

What precautions should I need to take when I travel in high humidity regions?

When traveling in regions with equatorial climate, I must be careful to use the microcuvette quickly after opening the pouch. The microcuvette contains a lyophilized reagent sensitive to ambient humidity. In order to preserve its properties, tests must be performed in an environment where the humidity is lower than 85%.

Why must the LabPad® INR be used in a location with sufficient lighting?

The measurement must be performed in a location with sufficient lighting in order to apply the blood drop onto the microcuvette in the best possible conditions. Besides, the LabPad® INR uses natural light to perform a series of controls before and after the test.